Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 the year of training harder

With the new year comes new goals. I've made the decision to take a more dedicated approach to training. I have high expectations of what I can accomplish and created this blog to help hold me accountable. As I create posts and share my experiences, struggles and accomplishments please help me by passing along your stories. Maybe I can inspire someone to start and finish something they never thought possible, and maybe you will help me go that extra mile in training.


  1. Can you post some information on nutrition and supplements?

  2. I really haven't done much with nutrition ad supplements per say. I do have some stuff I drink whenever I burn at least 1000 calories in a work out. I use a brand Hammer:

    It helps replenish the body with what it's lost after longer workouts. Basically that's the extent of my supplements.

    Nutrition: eat a lot the day before big runs.
