I'm not sure what 2012 will bring. I know that I will do a number of races; triathlons, marathons etc. and I'm confident I will do better in those than I ever have do to the increase in training for the Ironman but it's not going to matter if I don't bring more people along for the ride. What I learned in 2011 through writing this blog is that it's not about me. I'm the one doing the typing here and putting my thoughts down but the stuff I write about floats around in my head all the time, I can't stop thinking about these types of things with running and training and the emotions and feelings that go along with it. I hope that the things I type may bring you the courage or give you that nudge to push forward to help you finish something you started a while ago or have re-started time and time again. My health and fitness has become a very important part of my life, it's not always easy to balance family and training but like so many things in life it's about choices; what you choose to do and make time for. I love coming home from a morning run and having my daughter call me stinky and then proceed to stretch with me then tell me to go take a shower. On Thanksgiving Day after eating, Emmie and her cousin's were outside playing and she started running. I asked what she was doing and she said she was in a race. I asked if she was going super fast and she said "no, I'm stinky." If my daughter's introduction to running and being healthy starts with associating me running to being stinky, I'm all for it.
I wish everyone a happy and healthy 2012 and most importantly hope that I help you in some way. I plan to type more and stay in touch as I train more and more and prepare for September's Ironman with Rod. Set a goal, work to it and bring as many people with as you can.
I love this post and how inspirational you are to your family, friends and all those who know you. Best wishes for 2012!