If someone says it can't be done, go out and do it. Don't let people's fears or roadblocks be yours; they don't apply to you. Go out and find your own limits, set your own boundaries and do it for yourself. Yes your health is important, yes looking good for your partner is important but if you can't sit back and enjoy your accomplishments then you're wasting your time. I love races because I love hearing people cheer for me. I love the fact I get a medal. I've never won state in a high school sport, I don't know what it's like to win a Big Ten Championship, but I know what it's like to round the corner from West Washington to the Capitol Square to a cheering crowd. I know what it's like to cross the finish line; no one can take that away from me. No one can take what it feels like to have people tell you that you've inspired them.
A week from today I hope to be celebrating completing something I never thought possible; I'm competing in a half ironman triathlon. That doesn't make me special, the 500 miles I've run this year don't make me special, being around thousands of other people that decided that they weren't bound by other peoples' limits, that's special.
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