Tomorrow I run the Minneapolis Marathon, I will get beat by both men and women who if picked out of a line-up you'd swear couldn't run 2 miles let alone 26.2. It's gratifying to watch the weight go down and see the fat go away, that's a fantastic thing, but it's easy to fall in love with what you see and automatically assume and expect that that's going be the difference between a new PR and running the same pace.
I'm not saying weight loss is a bad thing and I do believe that if you are lighter you are able to push yourself farther and train harder, but it's almost a double edge sword: you're loosing weight so that's a great thing, but you see positive results so you may lighten up on the things that got you there.
Distance running may not fall under our old track quote in high school that "fat equals fast" but I think it's just as possible as "skinny equals fast."
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