It's a great feeling of accomplishment driving here to there knowing that I've run that same route. It makes me wish that I didn't need a car and could simply run wherever I needed to go, but kids and life don't make that quite possible, but I'd like to start incorporating less car and more running in to my daily routines that aren't a part of my normal training. Coming soon is take your bike to work week and I encourage all of you that are able to participate. I'm thinking about knocking the dust off the kids trailer and pulling them to daycare before heading on to work. Yes there's extra time that needs to be built in, but it's good for me, a good example for the kids and it beats $4 a gallon gas.
As race season is pretty much here and people are coming in to their final weeks of training, I want to point out a great source of inspiration; for those of you on Facebook join the group 'Couch to 5k'. It's a free running program that sets a schedule to get people off the couch and running a 5k race. The Facebook group is a sounding board for those in the program who are seeking and giving encouragement to each other. I find myself spending more and more time in that group reading about people's personal achievements and growth as they become more and more active. I am also providing as many tips and tricks to people who are seeking some simple guidance. I challenge those of you that are experienced runners to join the group, and find some people that you can help, whether it's simple encouragement or some insightful advice about anything running. The people I've responded to have been very happy for the tips I've passed along. I'm not identifying myself as a marathon runner or triathlete or anything like that, just trying to be a voice of help and reason to help them along. Check it out it's great.